The Ministry of agriculture is trying to accelerate the reform of the land market

2016-09-16 12:47:39
Machine translation
The Ministry of agriculture is trying to accelerate the reform of the land market

In his speech at the visiting session of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on issues of agrarian policy, which was held in Baturin, the Minister agroprodmach T. Corner stressed the need for early launching of the land market.
"Still not resolved the issues of the minimum cost of land, sale and exchange, whilst the ownership of physical persons, there are 22 million hectares Need to adopt world experience and to properly dispose of existing income and evaluate them. We need to build rules and to go forward," Kutovoy said.

The Minister said that Parliament now passed 7 bills that relate to land issues, and the deputies have to decide which of them will be accepted. In addition, the MPs should be determined with the system of taxation of agricultural enterprises, and land reform. However, changes in land laws have to be made as quickly as possible.
The head of the Corporation "Svarog West group" A. Gordiychuk, who is also a member of the Presidium of the Agrarian party of Ukraine, after the exit meeting expressed the view that the issue of opening a land market in Ukraine should be resolved through a national referendum.

We will remind that the Ministry of agriculture in cooperation with Deregionalization has developed a draft law "On turnover of agricultural lands". Allowing farmers during the moratorium on sale of agricultural land to lay the rented space and to develop enterprises at the expense of funds received. This should have a positive impact on the infrastructure of rural areas. According to the bill tenants will be able to dispose of the right to lease the land, to determine the conditions of lease of lands of state or municipal property for farming or for building.

The bill reglamentary clear rules of conduct and holding land tenders, in consequence of which process the transfer of the land will be transparent and open.

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