The Ministry of Finance changed the order of initiation of criminal proceedings in respect of the business

2016-07-22 13:11:27
Machine translation
The Ministry of Finance changed the order of initiation of criminal proceedings in respect of the business

the Press service of the Ministry of Finance reports on the measures taken to reduce the number of groundless criminal proceedings in respect of the business.


By order of the Ministry of Finance, State fiscal service issued 21.07.16 G. an order which changed the approach to the initiation of criminal proceedings against the business in Ukraine. Now such things will excite only with valid proof regarding cinanni offenses.


the Ministry noted that the proposed changes will significantly reduce the number of abusive criminal proceedings opened in relation to the business.


Before this order DFS started criminal proceedings at the time, as the conclusions of tax audits still pidpriemstv appealed in court. In many cases, there was no valid evidence of the Commission of the crime.


As told by the Ombudsman saisto business Algirdas Shemet, in 2015 in Ukraine has opened criminal proceedings 1748, of which only 55 were submitted to the court.


"Now the materials in respect of inspections can the booth to give the tax police only after a court appeal procedures. This means that criminal cases against businesses will be instituted only if there is credible evidence of committing criminal offences", - reported in the Ministry of Finance.

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