The weather service predicts not planed area 15-20% of the winter crop
a Prolonged drought in many regions of Ukraine gave way to torrential rains. Through this about 500 thousand hectares of land can remain uninoculated. Most of all it threatens areas set aside for winter wheat. This was stated by the head of agricultural Department the Hydrometeorological center of Ukraine.
According to the weathermen "the prospects are not encouraging. Planted 64% of the planned areas. There is a high probability that 15-20% of the arable land do not have time to plant, and about 500 thousand hectares, which are primarily reserved for winter wheat".
According to information of Ministry of agrarian policy, this year Ukraine plans to plant winter grains 7.4 million hectares, of which 6.2 million ha of wheat and 1 million ha of barley.
But traders and experts are more optimistic. Some traders believe that winter wheat will be sown 6.4 million hectares, and the next harvest will be 24 million tons. According to the forecast Agency UkrAgroConsult wheat will sow 6.35 million hectares, which will allow you to collect 24.2 million tons of grain.
currently, sowing of winter crops is suspended due to heavy rain. At low temperature will need 5-7 days to ensure that the soil is dry and can resume work. Representatives of the Hydrometeorological center said that "last year the crop been acting lately, and this year it takes place very late. It is hoped that November and December will be unusually warm", as late shoots are too weak and less resistant before the winter frosts.