In the second decade of August Ukraine developed satisfactory agrometeoo conditions

2021-08-26 14:04:11
Machine translation
In the second decade of August Ukraine developed satisfactory agrometeoo conditions

In the second decade of August, moderate, close to normal air temperatures prevailed in most regions of Ukraine. In the middle of the decade, a cold front brought heavy rains with hail, squalls and cold weather. And only in the East, dry and warm weather remained.


The average air temperature in the western regions was 18.8 OhC, in Eastern countries – 23.9 OhC, in the Kiev and Sumy regions reached 31-35 OhC, in Kharkiv and Luhansk-36-37 OhS.


Precipitation of varying intensity passed throughout the country for 1-3, sometimes 4-5 days. In Chernivtsi, Mykolaiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Kharkiv and Sumy regions, precipitation was 133-156% of the decadal norm, in Zaporizhia and Donetsk – 240-336%, in the West and south of the country – 52-77%, in the center and North – 36-50% of the norm. Most of the precipitation fell in Mariupol, while in some areas of Chernihiv, Kharkiv, Luhansk, Kherson and Mykolaiv regions there was no precipitation at all.


The average decadal soil temperature at a depth of 10 cm was 20-29 OhS.


Agrometeoo conditions of the last decade were generally satisfactory for the completion of the growing season of late crops. In areas where precipitation has passed, soil moisture reserves have accumulated in areas intended for sowing winter crops. But where they did not exist, the moisture supply of the soil worsened.


Heavy rains slowed and in some places stopped harvesting. And high humidity contributed to the spread of fungal diseases of plants.


As of August 20, soil moisture reserves in most regions in the areas intended for sowing winter crops were insufficient or unsatisfactory, in some areas of the central, eastern and sometimes northern regions – satisfactory.


The moisture supply of the meter – long soil layer under corn was sufficient or satisfactory, under sunflower – satisfactory or insufficient, under soybeans-unsatisfactory and only in some places optimal.


In some southern and central regions, the sowing of winter rapeseed continued, and the appearance of seedlings and the first real Leaf was observed.


Corn crops, depending on the time of sowing, were in the phase of milk, wax or full ripeness. 1-2 heads were formed on the plants, the weight of 1000 grains was 165-370 g, some of the crops were collected for green fodder. In the south, there is damage to plants by pests, and in the center – daytime wilting due to lack of moisture.


Soybean plants have formed from 14 to 62 beans over 1 cm, which continue to ripen. The condition of crops is good, sometimes satisfactory.


In most areas under sunflower seeds, seed maturation continues, in the south and in some places in the center, plants have reached ripeness. The average diameter of the baskets is 14-23 CM. In some areas of the eastern regions, daytime wilting of plants is observed, but mostly the condition of crops is good.

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