Переглянуто 313 разів

Додаткова інформація:

Founded in 1996, Zhengbang Group is a national key agricultural industrialization leading enterprise and the largest agricultural enterprise in Jiangxi Province, China. Our main scope of business includes animal husbandry, crop planting, agricultural marketing materials, circulation industry and financial industry. Our subsidiary Jiangxi Zhengbang Technology Co., Limited ranks among the first batch of listed private companies of Jiangxi Province on Shenzhen Stock Exchange. We have over 35,800 employees and more than 315 branches and subbranches across all China. In 2012,our total output value exceeds 26 billion yuan. We rank among china's top 500 enterprises, china's top 500 manufacturing enterprises, china's top 500 private enterprises, china's top 500 fortune enterprises, china's top 100 listed companies, china's top 10 enterprises in Feed Industry, china's top 10 pig-breeding enterprises and china's top 10 duck-nursing enterprises. We are also listed as a technological innovation institution in agro-processing and has established our post-doctoral workstations. During china's 12th Five-year Plan period, we are dedicated to realize a 100 billion yuan output Zhengbang and production large scale projects: planting of one million mu of tea-tree oil, processing of one million tons of rice, breeding of ten million pigs, making of ten million tons of feed, processing of meat worth ten billion yuan and yearly breeding of one hundred million ducklings. We to thrive foster three to five listed companies in industries of duckling, seed and bio-pesticide. It's expected our total annual value will output exceed 60 billion yuan by 2015 and 100 billion yuan by 2017. With this efforts, Zhengbang is to become one of the best agriculture and animal husbandry enterprise in China.

Показати на карті
Пропозиції в яких даний користувач бере участь:
Кількість пропозицій (показано 1—6 із 6)
ДатаКонтрагентТип пропозицiїКультураОб`єм (т.)ЦінаУмоваБазис
08.05.2024 11:01ТОВ Скай Протеїнкуплю
10017800 UAHCPTТОВ Скай Протеїнkuplyu-soya-tov-skaj-protein-id269137
08.05.2024 10:54пп Благодарагрокуплю
10016400 UAHFCAВасовка, Світловодський р-н, Кіровоградська обл.kuplyu-podsolnechnik-pp-blagodaragro-id269027
08.05.2024 10:53пп Благодарагрокуплю
50018000 UAHFCAЧорнобай, Золотоніський р-н, Черкаська обл.kuplyu-soya-pp-blagodaragro-id268721
08.05.2024 10:53Агро Бастіонпродам
Олія соняшникова
20024000 UAHFCAКушугум, Запорізький р-н, Запорізька обл.prodam-maslo-podsolnechnoe-agro-bastion-id268515
08.05.2024 10:53пп Благодарагрокуплю
Ріпак в/г до 25 мкм без ГМО
10017000 UAHFCAВласівка, Світловодський р-н, Кіровоградська обл.kuplyu-raps-vs-do-25-mkm-bez-gmo-pp-blagodaragro-id269136
08.05.2024 10:53Агро Бастіонпродам
Олія соняшникова
40023500 UAHFCAКушугум, Запорізький р-н, Запорізька обл.prodam-maslo-podsolnechnoe-agro-bastion-id269135

Закупівельні ціни ТОВ ЧЖЕНБАН УКРАЇНА на 08.05.2024

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