Reviewed 61 times

Further details:

We at TNCEXM a group of associated companies, with our Principal companies based in USA, Brazil, Spain, and Panama. we are in the business of Export of commodities and Pharmaceuticals Products to various clients in different parts of the world.

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Bids/offers participated by the user
Number of bids / offers (shown 1—6 of 6)
DateContracting partyBid / offer typeCropAmount available (T)PriceTermBasis
16.06.2024 09:24Valadusbuy
Soybeans GMO-free
500420 USDCIFLodzkie, Polandkuplyu-soya-bez-gmo-valadus-id268245
16.06.2024 09:24Valadusbuy
2000160 USDDAFMostyska, a Ukraine-Poland borderkuplyu-kukuruza-valadus-id270221
16.06.2024 09:24Valadusbuy
Wheat grade IV
2000145 USDDAFMostyska, a Ukraine-Poland borderkuplyu-pshenitca-4-klass-valadus-id270030
16.06.2024 08:44LLC AGROLUX-BCsell
Soybeen oil
1033000 UAHEXWLLC AGROLUX-BCprodam-soeva-oliya-tov-agrolyuks-btc-id270390
16.06.2024 08:43LLC AGROLUX-BCsell
Soybeen cake
5016500 UAHEXWLLC AGROLUX-BCprodam-makuha-soeva-tov-agrolyuks-btc-id270389
15.06.2024 18:08AGS GRAINbuy
2000160 USDCPTTIS-MINUDOBRENIYA LLCkuplyu-yachmin-ags-grain-id270379

Procurement prices TNCEXIM for 16.06.2024

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