Weather Conditions Generally Favorable for Crop Development in Major Grain-Exporting Countries

2024-06-14 10:20:31
Machine translation
Weather Conditions Generally Favorable for Crop Development in Major Grain-Exporting Countries

This week and the next, weather conditions in major grain-exporting countries will generally be favorable for the completion of planting and crop development, limiting the impact of weather on markets.


In the USA, spring planting is almost complete, and the harvesting of winter wheat is accelerating. Next week, temperatures are forecasted to rise to 30-33 degrees Celsius, which will be generally favorable for crop development, as there have been sufficient rains. Only in the eastern regions, where there has been less rainfall, this could cause concern.


This weekend, another front will bring precipitation before a hot week in the Midwest and central and southern Plains. Overall, the rain should be beneficial for growing corn and soybeans, but it may sometimes hinder the ripening and harvesting of wheat.


In the Canadian prairies, a strong front with rains and thunderstorms is also expected, but spring crop planting is almost complete, so the precipitation will be very beneficial. However, the region is still suffering from below-normal temperatures, which is holding back crop development.


In central Brazil, dry conditions with high temperatures persist, accelerating the ripening and harvesting of the second corn crop, safrinha (over 10% harvested). Meanwhile, in the southern states, rainfall is more stable, and next week a new front with precipitation is expected. If it brings some rain to the north, the condition of late corn crops will improve.


In Argentina, soybean harvesting is complete, and corn harvesting is over 40% finished. More than half of the winter wheat has been planted. Several waves of light rainfall are forecast for the upcoming weekend and week, which will be beneficial for winter wheat crops. However, by the end of next week, cooling is expected, which will be unfavorable for wheat growth.


In the UK, France, and some parts of Germany, excessive rainfall continues, which hinders crop development, promotes disease development, and reduces yield potential. These conditions are expected to persist next week.

The weather system will also bring necessary rains to southeastern Europe, reducing dry conditions in the eastern regions.


In the next few days, a front with precipitation will pass from west to east of Ukraine, which will be very beneficial for spring crops but will not improve the condition of winter wheat and rapeseed, whose yield potential has been reduced due to dry conditions in May.

A significant amount of rainfall is forecast in some parts of eastern Ukraine and southwestern Russia next week, but then hot and mostly dry conditions are expected.


In Australia, generally favorable conditions continue for planting winter wheat and barley, as well as for the development of canola crops. The weather system will bring rain to eastern and western Australia, and meteorologists expect continued precipitation in the coming months due to the transition to La Niña.

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