Estimate the acreage of corn in the United States reduced by the use of soy

2017-05-15 12:08:54
Machine translation
Estimate the acreage of corn in the United States reduced by the use of soy

the Agency Informa Economics reduced the estimate of acreage under corn in the United States in 2017/18 MG with 90,8 million acres to 89,716 million acres. At the same time the forecast of sowing areas under soybeans increased relative to the March report with 88.7 million acres to a record 89,662 million acres.


it is Expected that wheat will be sown 45,589 million acres, in particular: soft winter – 32,747 million acres, soft spring – 10,888 million acres, solid – 1,954 million acres.


the next crop of corn is estimated at 14.06 billion bushels, soybeans – 4.27 billion bushels, wheat to 1.82 billion bushels.


Recall that the USDA report of may 10, estimated the corn harvest in the new season of 14.07 billion bushels vs 15.15 billion bushels of the season 2016/17, soy 4.26 billion bushels (4,31) and wheat 1.82 billion bushels (against of 2.31 last year).

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