Almost 18% of the seedlings of winter weak and liquefied
a Survey of fields with winter crops, which was conducted as of 24.11.16, found that 90% of the crop area (6.3 million ha) of the obtained seedlings, of which 82% (5.2 million ha) are in good and satisfactory condition, and the remaining 18% (1.1 million hectares) is in weak and liquefied - reported in the Ministry of agriculture.
10% of areas sown, and that 678 hectares, the stairs are generally not obtained.
Winter rape went up in the square 772,6 thousand hectares, which is 91% of the sown areas. A state of almost 82% germination (631,9 thousand hectares) is estimated as good and satisfactory, the remaining 18% (139,2 thousand ha) are weak and liquefied form. Most of the crops died in the Cherkasy region in the area of 1 thousand hectares, Luhansk – 0,4 thousand hectares, in Lviv – 0,1 hectares and the Stairs are not formed on 9% of crop area, accounting for 72.6 thousand ha.
the Ministry of agrarian policy believe that further development of the plants, especially those that are weak and sparse, much will be affected by weather conditions.
Winter grain crops are planted on an area of 6.9 million hectares out of a planned 7.4 million hectares planted In particular:
- winter wheat and triticale 5.9 million hectares (95% of plan) compared to 5.6 million hectares in 2015
- winter barley 882 thousand hectares (86% of the forecast) vs 866 thousand hectares in 2015
- rye 158 thousand hectares (107% of plan) versus 145 thousand hectares in 2015
Winter rape sown 845 thousand hectares which is 17% higher than planned for the North of 724 thousand hectares.