Rains and mild temperatures are improving crop prospects in the US, Europe and Australia

2024-06-28 10:58:00
Machine translation
Rains and mild temperatures are improving crop prospects in the US, Europe and Australia

Favorable weather conditions for crop development will continue in the US, EU and Australia this week and next, with occasional rainfall and temperatures within normal limits.


Rains from France and Germany have reached the Mediterranean and southeastern Europe , which will improve soil moisture in arid regions. Another cyclone will hit the continent next week.


Showers and thunderstorms have passed in the Black Sea region, but a deficit of precipitation persists in most of the region, which has a negative impact on corn and sunflower crops. Heat of 30 ° C and periodic rains are expected in Ukraine next week, but dry conditions will remain and increase crop stress.


A front of rain has moved across Western Australia into eastern regions this week, which will improve conditions for wheat, barley and canola crops, which are developing in generally favorable conditions.


Periodic downpours and thunderstorms continue in the US corn belt, which has led to flooding in northwestern areas. In general, the weather favors the development of soybean and corn crops. Temperatures will rise into the 30s in the US Midwest next week, but will drop to normal after rain.


In the US Plains, the wheat growing zone also receives rain, but the temperatures are more moderate there, which creates favorable conditions for the development of wheat, soybean and corn crops.


The Canadian Prairies will experience showers next week that will keep soil moisture high and increase the threat of flooding in some areas, particularly in the north and east. Temperatures will drop below normal, which will negatively affect the development of crops, which were already delayed by excessive moisture and cold weather in May and June.

In the south of Brazil , in the regions of growing corn of the second crop this week, there were slight precipitations, which improved the condition of the crops. Temperatures will drop next week, which will have a favorable effect on crops. In the central state of Mato Grosso, heat and a lack of rain have worsened the outlook for the corn harvest.


In Argentina, the rainfall deficit is increasing, and the soil moisture is insufficient for growing winter wheat. The next few days, short-term showers are expected there, in addition, several days of frost are possible.

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