Alfred C. Toepfer International G.m.b.H

Переглянуто 13402 рази
Alfred C. Toepfer International G.m.b.H

Додаткова інформація:

In 1919, Alfred C. Toepfer was established as a trading company, followed by official registration in January 1920. Specialising in trading agricultural products, in particular grain, feedstuffs, vegetable oils, oilseeds and fertilizers, the company has experienced rapid global growth. A lot has changed since then, but the task we set ourselves has remained the same: For almost 100 years, we have been the leading expert for integrated solutions along the agricultural products supply chain. Through our extensive network of offices and silos around the world we are connecting crop producers to consumers in the destination markets. Today, Toepfer has over 900 employees in 36 offices around the globe and a further 1,200 employees in silos and transloading facilities. The first overseas branch office was opened in New York in 1929. The network of branches expanded continually and comprises today of offices in the major producing and consumer countries of the world. Our regional head office in Asia is Singapore and that in South America is Buenos Aires.
Показати на карті
Пропозиції в яких даний користувач бере участь:
Кількість пропозицій (показано 1—6 із 6)
ДатаКонтрагентТип пропозицiїКультураОб`єм (т.)ЦінаУмоваБазис
02.05.2024 07:24UAB Untekaкуплю
23020000 UAHFCAВінниця, Вінницький р-н, Вінницька обл.kuplyu-tcukor--uab-unteka-id268940
02.05.2024 01:09ТОВ ПАВЛІВСЬКЕ ПЛЮСпродам
100016700 UAHFCAЛозова, Лозівський р-н, Харківська обл.prodam-podsolnechnik-ooo-pavlovskoe-plyus-id268939
01.05.2024 23:44Molendinum Company sp.z o.o.куплю
Соя без ГМО
1400428 USDDAFІзов, Україно-Польський кордонkuplyu-soya-bez-gmo-molendinum-company-spz-oo-id268938
01.05.2024 23:42Molendinum Company sp.z o.o.куплю
1400417 USDDAFІзов, Україно-Польський кордонkuplyu-soya-molendinum-company-spz-oo-id268937
01.05.2024 23:40Molendinum Company sp.z o.o.куплю
Ріпак в/г до 25 мкм без ГМО
1400417 USDDAFІзов, Україно-Польський кордонkuplyu-raps-vs-do-25-mkm-bez-gmo-molendinum-company-spz-oo-id268936
01.05.2024 21:26ТОВ Агро-Фортепродам
Пшениця 3 клас
10007000 UAHFCAСтавниця, Летичівський р-н, Хмельницька обл.prodam-pshenitcya-3-klas-tov-agro-forte-id268935
Alfred C. Toepfer International G.m.b.H
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