Eurolex-Ukraine LLC

Переглянуто 1612 разів
Eurolex-Ukraine LLC

Додаткова інформація:

Eurolex-Ukraine” Limited is one of the leading Ukrainian commodity’s trading company. We operate from our head office in Kiev, Ukraine and supplying an agriculture and food products from Ukraine, Moldavia and Romania to Asia and Africa for more than 16 years. We also have a Trading House in Singapore from the Year 2004 and it is helps us to provide more security to our overseas clients and develop our business. Today, we have over 60 corporate customers in 18 countries, and they recognize the quality of our products and honesty of our relationships. The main products that we are strong and dealing with are: Corn, Corn grits and flour (crude and fine grinding), Corn fodder for animals; Wheat, Wheat flour; Sunflower seeds, Sunflower oil and Corn oil crude and refined (bulk and bottled); Puppy blue seeds; Cain food like pickles and marinades: tomato, cucumber, mushrooms, Garnish vegetables: green peace, corn, beans, Vegetable spread, Canned snacks, Sauces and spicy flavorings; and other. “Eurolex-Ukraine” Limited is a co-owner of 2 warehouses and modern mills in Central and North part of Ukraine, which allowed us to storage up to 200 000 mt of the seeds and process a Corn, Wheat and Sunflower seeds in volume up to 10 000 mt per month. Our production has been certified by ISO 22000:2005 in November, 2015. We provide hygienic, toxic safety certificates, radio-activity report etc. Our products free of GMO. Quality of the products and long term relationships with our clients − is a key priority of our company.

Показати на карті
Пропозиції в яких даний користувач бере участь:
Кількість пропозицій (показано 1—6 із 6)
ДатаКонтрагентТип пропозицiїКультураОб`єм (т.)ЦінаУмоваБазис
08.05.2024 17:34РИСОІЛ УКРАЇНА ТОВкуплю
пшениця 4 клас
10006200 UAHEXWАТКkuplyu-pshenitcya-4-klas-risoil-ukraina-tov-id269153
08.05.2024 17:33РИСОІЛ УКРАЇНА ТОВкуплю
Пшениця 3 клас
10006600 UAHEXWАТКkuplyu-pshenitcya-3-klas-risoil-ukraina-tov-id269152
08.05.2024 17:33РИСОІЛ УКРАЇНА ТОВкуплю
100007500 UAHCPTРісойл термінал СП ТОВ Чорноморськkuplyu-kukurudza-risoil-ukraina-tov-id269151
08.05.2024 16:34ТОВ Сідвелскуплю
Насіння соняшника
100016600 UAHEXWТОВ Сідвелсkuplyu-nasinnya-sonyashnika-tov-sidvels-id269150
08.05.2024 16:33ТОВ Сідвелспродам
Макуха соняшникова
1005600 UAHFCAСвітловодськ, Світловодський р-н, Кіровоградська обл.prodam-makuha-sonyashnikova-tov-sidvels-id269149
08.05.2024 16:32ТОВ Сідвелспродам
Ядро соняшника
100830 USDFCAСвітловодськ, Світловодський р-н, Кіровоградська обл.prodam-yadro-sonyashnika-tov-sidvels-id269148

Закупівельні ціни Eurolex-Ukraine LLC на 08.05.2024

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