ADM Archer-Daniels-Midland Company

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ADM   Archer-Daniels-Midland Company

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Every day, the 30,000 people of Archer Daniels Midland Company (NYSE: ADM) work to connect the harvest to the home, turning crops into renewable products that serve the vital needs of a growing world. At more than 265 processing plants and more than 460 sourcing facilities, we trade, transport, store and process corn, oilseeds, wheat and cocoa into products for food, animal feed, industrial and energy uses. We are committed to the responsible, sustainable development of agriculture throughout the world. Headquartered in Decatur, Illinois, ADM connects crops to markets in more than 140 countries on six continents. Net sales for the calendar year 2012 were $90.6 billion. Ukraine In 2004, ADM and Risoil S.A. began a joint venture operation with CJSC Illichivskyy Maslo Ekstraktsiynyy Zavod in Illichivsk, near Odessa, to crush oilseeds. In 2007, ADM became the sole owner. Today, we have nearly 200 employees in the Ukraine. ADM also owns a trading company, ADM Ukraine LLC, which originates sunflower seeds and trades sunflower oil and meal
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Пропозиції в яких даний користувач бере участь:
Кількість пропозицій (показано 1—6 із 6)
ДатаКонтрагентТип пропозицiїКультураОб`єм (т.)ЦінаУмоваБазис
13.05.2024 17:54ПП Євросемпродам
140020000 UAHFCAТашань, Переяслав-Хмельницький р-н, Київська обл.prodam-soya-pp-evrosem-id269312
13.05.2024 17:40AstraBioplant SAкуплю
Олія соняшникова
500830 USDCPTРИСОІЛ УКРАЇНАkuplyu-sunflower--oil-astrabioplant-sa-id269311
13.05.2024 16:21AGS GRAINкуплю
2000175 USDCPTТІС-МІНДОБРИВА ТОВkuplyu-kukurudza-ags-grain-id269280
13.05.2024 16:20AGS GRAINкуплю
пшениця 4 клас
2000190 USDCPTРенійский терміналkuplyu-pshenitcya-4-klas-ags-grain-id269174
13.05.2024 16:20AGS GRAINкуплю
3000185 USDCPTРенійский терміналkuplyu-kukurudza-ags-grain-id269281
13.05.2024 15:54ТОВ СГ КИРИКІВСЬКЕпродам
100017200 UAHFCAОхтирка, Охтирський р-н, Сумська обл.prodam-podsolnechnik-ooo-sg-kirikovskoe-id269278
ADM Archer-Daniels-Midland Company
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