Sloboda proekt

Reviewed 337 times
Sloboda proekt

Further details:

To save Your time, We provide alternative services, for maximum collection of information about the item (the sale object). All the objects You can see on our channel Or to view all sale items at 61052, Kharkov, Poltavsky Shlyakh street, 32, K. 301 (preliminary record on bodies. 098-697-51-71). Alternative systems consulting and advertising Agency "Omphalos".

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Bids/offers participated by the user
Number of bids / offers (shown 1—6 of 6)
DateContracting partyBid / offer typeCropAmount available (T)PriceTermBasis
03.06.2024 17:56SARMATIA GROUP LLCbuy
3000190 USDCPTReni terminalkuplyu-kukurudza-tov-sarmatiya-grup-id269984
03.06.2024 17:56SARMATIA GROUP LLCbuy
3000180 USDCPTOdessa grain terminal branch DPKZOkuplyu-kukurudza-tov-sarmatiya-grup-id269955
03.06.2024 17:55SARMATIA GROUP LLCsell
Sunflower- oil
1000975 USDFCAВінниця (FSSC 22000), Vinnytsia District, Vinnytsia Region.prodam-oliya-sonyashnikova-tov-sarmatiya-grup-id269587
03.06.2024 17:35AGS GRAINbuy
3000193 USDCPTReni terminalkuplyu-kukurudza-ags-grain-id270016
03.06.2024 17:35AGS GRAINbuy
Wheat grade IV
2000195 USDCPTTIS-MINUDOBRENIYA LLCkuplyu-pshenitcya-4-klas-ags-grain-id270015
03.06.2024 17:35AGS GRAINbuy
3000185 USDCPTTIS-MINUDOBRENIYA LLCkuplyu-kukurudza-ags-grain-id270014

Procurement prices Sloboda proekt for 03.06.2024

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