
Reviewed 347 times

Further details:

hi there we are iraqi company import export specialy with grains wheat wheat bran barley peas maize corn millet hemp sorghum now we are ready to buy from you wheat bran by trailer can you give me good prices with full details best regards Kofan Alarab CO. G.M Mr. Ali Alhaidary

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Bids/offers participated by the user
Number of bids / offers (shown 1—6 of 6)
DateContracting partyBid / offer typeCropAmount available (T)PriceTermBasis
03.06.2024 16:40Alboshibuy
Sunflower- oil
1000037657 UAHEXWKrivoozersky Oleina plant LLCkuplyu-maslo-podsolnechnoe-alboshi-id270056
03.06.2024 16:38Fh Rafal Karpbuy
2000180 USDDAFMostyska, a Ukraine-Poland borderkuplyu-kukurudza-fh-rafa-karp-id270055
03.06.2024 16:36Fh Rafal Karpbuy
2000180 USDDAFIzov, a Ukraine-Poland borderkuplyu-kukurudza-fh-rafa-karp-id270054
03.06.2024 16:35LLC Ugleepromdonbass 2012sell
Sunflower- oil
200835 USDFCAЗачепилівка, Zachepylivka District, Kharkiv Region.prodam-oliya-sonyashnikova-uglepromdonbass-2012-id270053
03.06.2024 16:22AGS GRAINbuy
3000193 USDCPTReni terminalkuplyu-kukurudza-ags-grain-id270016
03.06.2024 16:22AGS GRAINbuy
Wheat grade IV
2000195 USDCPTTIS-MINUDOBRENIYA LLCkuplyu-pshenitcya-4-klas-ags-grain-id270015

Procurement prices KofanAlarb for 03.06.2024

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