PJSC "SFGCU" PJSC, branch Kobelyatsky CCP

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Kobelyatsky Elevator built in 1975 in the village of Butenko Kobeljkov district, Poltava region. The main activity of the branch is rendering services in taking, bringing the quality to the basic quality standards, storage and shipment of grain and oilseeds. The total service grain capacity of the subsidiary "Kobelyaksky bread products plant" is 170,3 thousand tons including the Elevator one – to 89.6 thousand tons, warehouse – 80,7 thousand tons. The main storing cultures are wheat, maize, barley, rape, sunflower. Capacity of the branch for receiving/shipping of grain: acceptance with road transport 1200 tons/day; shipment on railway transport – 800 tons/day; shipping vehicles – 400 tons/day.
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Bids/offers participated by the user
Number of bids / offers (shown 1—6 of 6)
DateContracting partyBid / offer typeCropAmount available (T)PriceTermBasis
03.06.2024 12:59Don Chicharonsell
3500179 USDFCAИчня, Ichnia District, Chernihiv Region.prodam-kukurudza-don-chicharon-id270047
03.06.2024 12:58NEOMEAT BREEDINGbuy
Rye grade IV
3005500 UAHEXWMarlene-KDkuplyu-rozh-4-klassa-neomit-briding-id270046
03.06.2024 12:58NEOMEAT BREEDINGbuy
2005500 UAHCPTMarlene-KDkuplyu-tritikale-neomit-briding-id270045
03.06.2024 12:57Don Chicharonsell
2000140 USDFCAХорол, Khorol District, Poltava Region.prodam-kukurudza-don-chicharon-id270044
03.06.2024 12:40Aslan dis ticaretbuy
Sunflower seed meal
3000250 USDCIFBandırma, Turkeykuplyu-shrot-podsolnechnij-aslan-demr-elk-lmted-id269822
03.06.2024 12:40Aslan dis ticaretbuy
3000212 USDCIFБандырма, Turkeykuplyu-kukuruza-aslan-demr-elk-lmted-id269957
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