Traders worried about the shortage of moisture for winter crops

2018-10-31 12:04:39
Machine translation
Traders worried about the shortage of moisture for winter crops

Warm and dry weather that prevails in major grain producing country, contributes to the completion of the harvesting of late grains and oilseeds, however, hinders the pace of planting in soil moisture deficit.


In Ukraine in the third week of October, the reserves of productive moisture in an arable layer of soil (0-20 cm) in the winter crops were mostly insufficient (11-20 mm) or unsatisfactory (1-10 mm). In some regions, Kherson, Odessa, Mykolaiv and Donetsk region arable layer was almost dry. However, in the Western, Northern and Central regions the amount of moisture in the topsoil was the best (21-30 mm).


winter wheat, rye and triticale are good condition, and the plants moved into the phase of tillering.


In the European part of Russia, which accounts for a large part of the winter wheat, dry weather contributed to the completion of the harvest. The average temperature of 3-7 degrees higher than normal, and precipitation. In the southern region completed sowing campaign of winter crops, although the soil moisture deficit is not conducive to sprouting. In some districts of the Rostov region and Stavropol region, drought has led to liquefaction of crops. In areas where the previous decade the rain passed, the water supplies sufficient, and the state took mostly good, sometimes satisfactory.


U.S. precipitation replenish moisture reserves, but delayed planting of winter wheat, so it is planted on only 78% of the area compared to 85% in average for 5 years. Shoots were obtained on 63% of the area, which is 4% below the average 5-year average. Almost 53% of crops are in good or excellent condition, 33% fair, 14% - in the weak.


In Europe, dry weather prevails, and only in Belgium and North-West of France the rain passed. Promised this week's rains will restore the water reserves and accelerate the pace of sowing winter crops. Powerful heavy rains in Italy have caused the flooding.

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